Goyder South Development Application Released for Public Comment
Neoen is pleased to announce that yesterday, on the 19th of August, the Department of Planning and Transport released the Development Application for Goyder South Hybrid Renewable Energy Facility for public exhibition and comment.
The application can be downloaded via this link to the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP) site. Please look under ‘Crown Developments’, Development Number 422/V009/20, Neoen Australia Pty Ltd. Alternately, feel free to download the application via the links at the bottom of this article.
Neoen encourages all local residents to have their say on the project. If you would like to submit a representation to SCAP, information and forms can be found at the above link. Please note that the closing date for representations is 18th September 2020. Representation forms will also be available at our project office at 7-9 Commercial Road, Burra.
We also invite community members with questions, comments or concerns to call the project hotline 1800 966 166, send a message to contact@goyderenergy.com.au, or come by the office, which is staffed on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Please note that the team may occasionally be out on site, so if you’re making a special trip and need to ensure that the office is attended, please call ahead and make an appointment.
Goyder South Application June 2020 Resubmitted
Project Evolution and Specialist Reports resubmitted